[한글 기사= 최대집 의협회장, 전 직역 직접 만나 로드맵 공유 '조직화 총력' 나서]
Stop the hunger strike that continued for 16 days, and take the first step by meeting with the representatives of the residents in the Seoul Area.
[MedigateNews] Daejip Choi, the Chairman of the Korean Medical Association(KMA) and also the Chairman of theCommittee for Fighting and Winning the Healthcare Reform said that they will put efforts into organizing to reinvigorate the struggle.
At the 61st session of the board of directors' meeting held at the emergency tent headquarters of the Association in the morning of this date, they decided to stop the hunger strike that has started with the suggestion of Chairman Choi in the 2nd day of the last month and continued to Sanghyuk Bang, Vice Chairman and other board members for 16 days to win the healthcare reform and they determined to launch the preparation for the full-scale struggle.
Chairman Choi said "In order to promote the attention and unity of the members inside and to inform the government and the political parties of the legitimate demands of the medical community, I chose the extreme ways of life and continued the hunger strike for the last 2 months although I am a physician saving the lives of the patients, and he went onto say "But, the government has repeatedly confirmed that they have no intention to resolve the issues, and the media also thinks that our struggle will discontinue losing its meanings over time."
Chairman Choi said, "But,they will find out that their expectation on me and my administration is not quite correct,”and also emphasized“I will carry out the promise by devoting myself on holding back the Moon care and the healthcare normalization that I committed even before running for the Chairman of the National Association. The government is looking down on the legitimate anger of the 130,000 number of doctors, but our cry is not a silent clamor but a huge wave that will resonate throughout the society. "
Chairman Choi said, "The supports provided by the various medical professions during the hunger strike is the result reflecting their desperate desire for us to fulfill the noble and hard task of 'medical reform',” and he said “As Iconfirmed the strong will of all medical professions, I will take the lead and fight until the end."
After the board meeting on the same day, Chairman Choi met in person with the representative council, regional associations, and professional societies to explain about the concrete struggle roadmap and he expressed his plans to put efforts into organizing as the next step of the hunger strikefor spreading the support.
Chairman Choi said, "I will communicate directly with the young doctors who are the future of medical society." He said he would meet with representatives for the residentsof the Seoul Area on the evening of the 17th as the first step to communicate with the young doctors.
Chairman Choi said, "I am going to explain the fact to them in person and encourage them that this struggle is not just a survival struggle for the simple increase of an insurance policy but a Glorious Revolution for us to recover our self-esteem as medical experts and to do the works that a doctor is supposed to do."
He said "We must not miss a small battle that we must fight in each profession at the same time as winning in a big war like the medical reform,” and he added "The faithful work done for the rights and convenience of the members is the foundation of trust given to the Association and the driving force of the struggle."
By Da-yeon Jeong
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